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Zoe Innovations, LLC


   About Us / Who We Are,

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A Book, Audio,Video And Live & In Person
Presentation Company

Our Story Below

Zoe Innovations, LLC , The Company

     Thanks for coming by! The M.O.R.E  Association (Inituils for, More Organized Radical Exploits) is being set up, as a subsidiary of Zoe Innovations,LLC , to literally, systematically and organizationally implement a proven program which will bring all born again Churches together in Love of each other and God thus we believe full-filling Jesus's prayer, he prayed in John 17. This whole idea and plan is establishing a Association similar to all associations in that you come together to full-fill single accomplishments in organized  efforts. Take for example a corn, cotton or any other associations, how they operate. They come together only to talk about corn, cotton or what the association is about.These have to be in agreement similar to the Gideon's organization association which we are patterned after. My father was a Gideon over a area whereas he gave me the idea basics for this organization to bring Churches together to put out not Bibles but born again testimonies in all media forms. Those reading, hearing or seeing presentations can call in for help whereas we will put these in touch with a church of their choice or rotate these to a nearby Church who can help them. We have a M.O.R.E. Association  handbook, a group or person can obtain if they are true born again believer(s) and they can start a M.O.R.E Association chapter in their area . Our biggest need now is finances since no large ship can be launched without a backer even as Columbus had a Lady back him in order to discover America. Our need is people to work with us and the funds to run such a large program to literally bring the last day harvest in.  Please buy our books, etc or donate to our efforts please.  

            God Bless Those who help us.      

 Sincerely Paul Wayne Smith, Co-Ordinator

 Note : At one time we were a Non-profit 501-C in another State however the agent we had there did not return in reports which he should have done as the agent, we were trusting, causing us to have either shut down or be fined a large amount of money so we shut it down. We now operate still putting all we can into this ministry, so we and those who give, can reap a reward in Heaven and not a tax write off here. Please join us to bring Souls into God's Kingdom for His Glory only, Thank you.
 Any Amount is greatly Appreciated$5, $10, $25, $50, $100 
  Or Whatever, Forever, Thanks ! 
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