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(Letter And As A Example Letter

For Those Setting Up Jesus Walks/Marches)

Would Some Of Your Members Be Willing To Walk In-Line On Galveston Seawall Side Walk 

Notice- The Date Of Walks Are Being Changed,

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( If You Are Setting Up A March/ Walk For Jesus, Give Us Location/Link And We Will Put On This Site)


Please text, email this information link to any or all who may want to pray for walk/marches or to those who want to join us or set up a walk/march in their area.


To: Senior Pastors and Christians Whom May Want To Come,

   Dear Sir or Ma'am, as you know, as citizens of the United State, we have our right to express our nonviolent opinions in public walks and marches as stated by the ACLU in the below link. We are planning a walk to let the world know that our Lord and Savior, Jesus died to make us all totally free. Before march or walk, we need to pray as much as possible that God will open eyes and hearts as to the messages we are chatting or singing about.

  Those walking will need to be physically able to and old enough to be able to walk in order, bring a bottle of water, umbrella, wear a mask and stay about 7 to 8 feet apart and do the following in repetition whereas a person will be placed every 7th person who will be ones who will memorize and loudly sing/chant lead the following.1- Sing > Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world, red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in his sight, Jesus loves the children of the world. We are all !!! >, Red Supremacist, Yellow Supremacist, Black Supremacist  White Supremacist, and the Lord has laid the iniquity of us all upon him. then sing, I'm Free, I'm Free, I am free to be a servant of the Lord, I'm Free! I'm Free!  and then Repeat.

 (Those attending will be given a small paper with song/chant lines on it, we will need hand out persons at the beginning point showing persons how to also chant/sing and we will also need cross-carrying back persons at end of walk with a truck/Suv so another cross-carrying person can take cross at beginning of walk)

  The walk will be for a certain distance and those desiring can rewalk as many times as they desire (however if another has not walked let them in first please). The first person at the front of the walk will be carrying a large cross similar to what Arthur Blessic did for many years. 

  We ask that if reporters ask for an interview that you will rescind, give them the sing/chant paper copy and say, we only give live interviews and we all, as many as possible can set up for these interviews telling why we chanted and sung what we did.

  This will be seemingly a first for us as Christians to come out of our closets so be patient, kind, and gentle to us all while we are all learning how to do what we really need to do. We will need to look for a meeting/beginning place on the Galveston beach sidewalk area and establish this as a beginning area and also establish an ending area. If you want to be one of those carrying the cross, please let us know. Again please be patient with us all.

  Sincerely, paul wayne smith

PS- Give us your first name, email address, and if you want to be a handout person, a cross-carrying person (first come/serve) please go to web site and we will give times and beginning/ending locations on web site once we know basics. The walk is for born again Christians who desire to be in a peace covenant with other denominations in order to do this walk for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


P.S.  If possible, could your group build one or more crosses for persons to carry (You can make out of two by four lumber and place a small furniture roller at foot of cross on an angle making it easier to carry (not drag on pavement).


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