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Paul Wayne
Hello To All Those Who Love Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This Site Is dedicated To Why And How Most All Churches Have Changed And Left God's Basic principles Out. My biggest challenge is to explain how the church has primarily changed in the last 30 years and How We Can Change Back To God's Way.
PaulWayne is an Evangelist who preaches, not only to Denominational churches but also to all churches who believe we must be born again. He reiterates we as the church must Repent", For The kingdom of God is (Now) at hand"'Red, Yellow, Black, and White, Lets Take Two Knees
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Sorry, If You Are Not Over 65 Yrs. Old,
You Probably Have Never Seen A Real Revival
And Probably Do Not Really Know What Revival Is?
Revival is not a healing miracle service or a prophet coming through and prophesizing over a person or a congregation. These can take place and some get saved however a revival is much, much deeper.
What is a revival? It is a rendering of a person's heart to the point that a person is under much pressure from within by the Holy Spirit to repent of all his or her sins, knowing that God's presence is in the place where an evangelist is preaching the truth in detail.
For most of you who are 65 or older, can remember the years after 1948, when Billy Graham started preaching with fire like qualities by the Holy Spirit, many evangelists were raised up and churches would bring them in for revival usually in the spring and the fall. These would preach every day for up to two or three weeks, while in the area. The preaching was radical whereas many would literally cry out to God with real tears. In the early 1900's Billy Sunday an evangelist and others would preach so hard against what sin really was in the way we treat others and God, persons recognized what sin really is whereas many entire towns shut down junky bar clubs, etc since God's presence was felt and talked about everywhere.
Then came the push back in the sixties from the deep state invading our Bible colleges teaching say 5 things for the virgin birth of Jesus and five things against it and teaching future pastors not to speak too loudly but be more just gentle. They also discouraged bringing in evangelist whom they said may embarrass or upset those attending their (which is not their church, it is God's) church. Putting aside strong preaching, pastors became milk toast whereas church member's sins have multiply causing our nation to fall away from God as it is now.
If the church is to go back to where it needs to go, the church must bring the evangelist back so sin can be rooted out of churches. Teaching only pastors always leads to sin since they need to allow their own or another's hard preaching on what sin is so persons can repent. Otherwise, the blood of these is on the pastor's hands which God will judge.
Below is what a pastor has to recognize.
What Does the Word ‘Preach’ Mean?
As we all know, in order to find out what a word means, we have to do a word study which I have done concerning the word, preacher and was I shocked in that seemingly the deep state have changed the meaning in several dictionaries since they do not want true preaching to take place. In order to determine the truth and not fake news, as to what the word means, I sought out the Greek and Hebrew meanings of the word which is summed up in what is presented below.
Before the actual meaning of the word is presented below, I need to stress to you all who are pastor/preachers to well consider that in order to please God, you have to both pastor (one who makes sure the sheep (church members) are taken care of, by you the pastor) by allowing yourself or another to preach the bible with hard fervent loud presentations. You may say, I would never do that because I was taught in Bible college not to do that (which shows why you are a product of deep state or you are a teacher pastor only and need to allow another in your church who is gifted as a preacher pastor and not a teacher pastor only. Overall though you need to allow a true evangelist who preaches hard against sin to set up a revival so you have clean sheep since you will be judged heavily if you do not deal with sin in a way that gets rid of it, which only hard preaching can do.
Let me explain why most all churches are powerless against sin and the teacher pastor only helps the devil keep it that way unless a true preacher comes in. I propose the question, which probably your bible college teachers spoke against, Why Is Hard Preaching So Very, Very Important?
The Answer- God and psychologist know if something said is said loudly and with emotion, it can and often times will get down into the sub-conscience (which is the heart) which always overrules what a person thinks in their head (the soul) which in this case, is what they think about sin!
…Go ye into all the world, and preach (Not Teach) the gospel to every creature.
Pastors If You Only Teach, You are helping the devil, your (now) partner since you took this erroneous doctrine in as presented by a bible college or as presented by the mentor(s) you have followed, in other words, you were duked into believing a false lie which actually did come from the devil whether you know it or not, whereas unless you ask God to forgive you and allow hard preaching or do it yourself, you will be judged heavily since your teaching and motivational speaking only will cause many to have old unremoved sins in their lives and many will go to hell unless confronted with the truth which goes down into there heart.( Romans 10:9-10, "and believe in their heart (not their head Only)"
We understand, that hard preaching on bible truths, preached in Love, to a person who will receive the truth because of the convection of the Holy Spirit, will allow forgiveness to take place bringing back Holiness into our churches and not (fake news) lies which the devil loves.
— Mark 16:15
In Mark 16:15, Jesus instructed believers, “…Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” But what did Jesus mean when He said that we were supposed to “preach”? Did He mean that every believer must have a pulpit ministry where he or she publicly stands in front of a church and preaches to a congregation? What does the word “preach” mean?
The word “preach” comes from the Greek word kerusso, which means to proclaim, to declare, to announce, or to herald a message. It was the message proclaimed by the kerux, who was the official spokesman or herald of a king. Because the kerux was the appointed, official representative of the king or government, his specific job was to announce with a clear and unquestionable voice the desires, dictates, orders, recent events, news, policy changes, or message that the king or government wished to express to the people.
The position of this kerux (“spokesman” or “herald”) was viewed to be the highest, most noble, privileged position in the kingdom because his position gave him routine access to the king that was afforded only to rare individuals. To be the king’s kerux was an honor and supreme privilege that necessitated the highest level of professionalism and excellent performance.
When the king wanted to give a message to his people, he summoned the kerux. The kerux came to the king’s throne room with writing instrument and paper in hand; then he carefully and accurately penned the communication that the king desired to express to his people. After the king was finished dictating his message, the kerux was allowed to freely speak to the king and to ask questions of clarification to make certain he understood every point of the king’s message. Because this man was speaking on behalf of the king, there was no room for mistakes in his delivery of the message. When he finally stood before the people to announce the message given to him, it had to be accurate, precise, and faithful to what the king wanted to express to his people.
As important as it was for the kerux to accurately understand and communicate the king’s message, it was equally his responsibility to capture and convey the sentiment, heart, and emotions of the king on these various issues. Thus, the kerux was expected to deliver his message with an emotional impact in order to properly represent both the word and the heart of the king.
Proper attire was essential for this notable position, for when the kerux stood before the people to speak on behalf of the king, he was also to physically represent the king in all his splendor and glory. The responsibility of publicly representing the king demanded that he dress appropriately, for a shabbily dressed kerux would have been an insult to the honor of the king.
And because the kerux was the primary connection between the people and the king, he was also required to learn how to speak to people in a kind and cultured fashion. If he was rude, his behavior would reflect negatively on the king. If he was kind and courteous, this would reflect favorably on the king. As the king’s spokesman, the kerux understood that every word he spoke, every piece of clothing he wore, and all his actions, both public and private, would ultimately affect people’s opinion of the king. Consequently, because of his great responsibility as the king’s spokesman, he knew that every detail of his life was to be lived honorably, honestly, and uprightly. His personal life, as well as his public life, had to be spotless, immaculate, pristine, gleaming, and squeaky clean — free of accusation.
When the kerux had finished delivering the king’s message to the people, he turned, left the platform from which he spoke, and then remained silent until the king summoned him back to the throne room to give him another message for the people. As the king’s spokesman, he had no right to speak his own mind, give his own personal commentary about what the king meant, or draw any attention to himself. Such actions would be considered gross violations of his position and a guarantee that he would no longer serve as the king’s spokesman.
Keeping all this in mind, let’s consider again what Jesus meant when He commanded that all believers go into all the world “to preach” the Gospel. Since kerusso (“to preach”) is the message of the kerux (“the king’s spokesman”), it is clear that by using the word “preach,” God is communicating several very powerful messages to you and to me.
First, as a believer, you must learn to see yourself as the representative of Jesus Christ. Although you may never stand before a public pulpit to preach, it is a fact that your life is your most important pulpit. What you say and do in your life reflects on the Lord Jesus Christ.
Second, as a believer, it is absolutely essential that you spend time in the Presence of the Lord so you can hear His Word and capture His heart. You should never think of the time you must spend in God’s Presence praying or reading the Word as laborious or dreadful. It is a high honor that God has given you. He beckons you to come into His throne room so He can speak to you, share with you His heart, and then empower you with His Spirit to take the message to people who are desperately waiting for it. Never forget that you possess a position of great privilege.
Third, as a believer, it is imperative that you learn how to dress appropriately and how to speak kindly, courteously, and in a way that brings honor to Jesus. If your appearance communicates a low standard because you dress like a slob, never comb your hair, always look unprofessional, or allow yourself to remain overweight (yes, I know this last one affects many people, but what I am saying is true) — this is exactly the image you are imparting about Jesus Christ.
Would the president of a nation allow His spokesman to be aired on television in a sweatshirt or tennis shoes? Would a national public representative dare to go on national television to speak on behalf of the government looking like a slob? Of course not! It would be disrespectful to the office or the person the spokesman represented. Likewise, we must think about what we look like, what we sound like, and how we are perceived. We are not representing ourselves; we are representing Jesus Christ.
Fourth, as a believer, you must realize that your private life is just as important as your public life. If you publicly declare the Gospel, but later it is discovered that your private life is a horrible mess and a complete contradiction of what you’ve been preaching, this, too, will reflect poorly on the Gospel.
The lost world loathes hypocrites but enjoys it immensely when a preacher or believer is found to be a contradiction of the message he or she preaches. So never forget that as the Lord’s spokesman, you are required to do everything possible to maintain a life that is spotless, immaculate, pristine, gleaming, and squeaky clean — free of accusation.
Fifth, as a believer and a representative of Jesus Christ, you must make a decision to refrain from making personal comments that are not your business to make. Speak what Jesus tells you to speak — but if someone tries to draw you into a debate or a conversation regarding a matter you know nothing about, just remain silent. You are not required to speak or to act like an authority regarding issues about which you are not an authority!
You see, preaching the Gospel is what you do every day of your life by the way you live and conduct yourself. It is true that public pulpit ministry is a very special gift and honor that some are called to do. But the truth is, you preach every day that you get up and faithfully go to work! You preach when you choose to dress modestly or when you speak kindly to your fellow employees, believers, or friends. All these things reflect on the message of the Gospel.
So as you obey Jesus’ words to take the Gospel to every ethnic group, culture, custom, civilization, and sphere where you personally have influence, always be mindful of the fact that you are His kerux in those places. You are His personal representative, and everything you do and say preaches about Jesus Christ!
And as you go through each day, always make sure you set aside time in God’s Presence to obtain His Word and capture His heart. Then you’ll be able to turn to those you touch every day of your life and give them the message and heart that God has imparted to you on their behalf!.
A Reprint from Rick Renner Ministries,
God help each of you to be what God wants you to be so He will say, "Well Done Thou Good and Faithful"