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Government Of Your Church - PaulWayne
00:00 / 00:00
Do You serve another god ? - PaulWayne
00:00 / 00:00
The Main Ministry Goals
and Vision Of This Ministry Listed Below
Goals: 1-  Expose the unseen and unthought about in the church things which have keep the church, as a whole in bondage not allowing it to be all God intends for it to be in this time period known as the last of last days. 2- Once these are exposed and dealt with properly, it will allow the church to florish like never before truly shaking the world for God because the born again church is no longer split (into denominations) but one , without spot or wringle, as Jesus prayed. 
Vision: I Believe as already done, to see, all God's born again children working together as one in bringing in the last harvest of souls before Christ final return.
To God Be All Honor And Power Forever ! Amen
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